The South African Society for Clinical Psychology (SASCP)
The SASCP Division of PsySSA aims to:
In accordance with Article 12.5.1 of the constitution of PsySSA, the overall aims of the Division are to promote training, research and practise in respect of Clinical Psychology and the professional interests of Clinical Psychologists.
The overall aims should be achieved within the guidelines laid out in the constitution of PsySSA in Article 12.5 and, in particular, among other things, by:
- Defining and preserving the distinct identity of Clinical Psychology in relation to the other professional applications of psychology in accordance with internationally recognised criteria for the nature of the work of Clinical Psychologists;
- by promoting Clinical Psychology as a separate field of expertise registered with Professional Board for Psychology of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).
Promoting Clinical Psychology as a profession by such activities as:
- seeking to inform authorities responsible for health services within the public and private sectors regarding the special expertise of Clinical Psychologists and to influence them to create job opportunities,
- seeking to inform other professions and the public regarding the fields of expertise of Clinical Psychologists.
- Taking steps to address any activity by Clinical Psychologists which lowers the credibility or status of Clinical Psychology in the eyes of other professions and the public,
- Within the spirit of Article 12.8.1 of PsySSAs constitution in which income generated by activities such as seminars and workshops may be retained, further steps to improve the financial position of Clinical Psychologists (for example, by seeking improvements in income tax concessions and contributions to fees by medical aid funds) may be taken.
Making recommendations on the training of Clinical Psychologists. Such recommendations should be made to, and in discussion with, whatever organisations are in a position to promote or implement them, specifically to:
- Council Committees of PsySSA concerned with matters of training in Psychology,
- University Psychology Departments responsible for professional training in Clinical Psychology,
- Institutions accredited to train Clinical Psychology interns,
- Authorities responsible for Clinical Psychology services within mental health systems in the public and private sectors.
Providing structures and promoting activities through which Clinical Psychologists can communicate with each other, and keep informed of basic political, social, academic and professional issues that concern the profession of Clinical Psychology. This should be done by:
- distributing a newsletter either specifically for the Division or in conjunction with other Division or in conjunction with PsySSA,
- promoting contact between the central executive and the National/Regional Divisional branches, organising local, national and international meetings at which workshops, symposia, discussions and research relevant to Clinical Psychology are presented,
- promoting international contacts with Clinical Psychologists.
Making recommendations that will ensure that a high ethical standard is maintained in the practise of the profession. This should be done by:
- monitoring and updating the Ethical Code for Clinical Psychologists,
- bringing ethical issues to the attention of members,
- monitoring the activities of and liaising with the PsySSA Council Committees responsible for ethical matters (if at any time no such committee is in existence the Division should press for the formation of such a committee),
- monitoring the activities of and liaising with the Ethics Committee of the Professional Board for Psychology of the South African Medical and Dental Council,
- ensuring that training programs in Clinical Psychology include courses on ethical principles.
Promoting co-operation and mutual respect between Clinical Psychologists and members of allied professions.
What do members receive by becoming members?
- Reduced fees at CEU activities
- Direct open communication and correspondence with the SASCP EC regarding matters specific to Clinical Psychologists that keeps one informed of matters in the discipline
- Communications amongst fellow colleagues and assistance with queries
- Networking with colleagues that allows for consultation and referrals amongst colleagues
- Communciations about workshops and seminars
- Advertising of practice on SASCP website (to come)
Full Member
Psychology Intern
Student Member
World Cancer Day: 4 February 2025
PsySSA commemorates World Cancer Day with the theme: United By Unique. PsySSA shares insights from the Health Psychology Division (HPD) and the South African Society of Clinical Psychology (SASCP) on the psychological impact of cancer and the role of mental health professionals in supporting those affected. Click here to read more
SASCP Media Alert: Community outreach initiative on mental health awareness
The South African Society of Clinical Psychologists (SASCP) would like to sound the call to gather and increase our ability to prevent, and promote our ability to prevent, these conditions based on an improved understanding of the importance of mental wellness in this Freedom Month of April. The division would like to initiate a community drive to help South Africans near and far to learn, become aware of symptoms, services, support structures and challenges in mental health.
SASCP Roundtable: Unbundling the interconnectedness between substance addictions and mental illness including common effects.
SASCP Roundtable: Unbundling the interconnectedness between substance addictions and mental illness including common effects.
Ethics & Human Rights in a Democratic Era -Earn 5 Ethics CEU Points in 3 Interactive Psychology Webinars with Prof Saths Cooper!
Ethics and Human Rights in a Democratic Era! Only 1 Week to go!
5 Ethics CEU Points! Have you registered?
SASCP Webinar – Life in COVID-19: What’s Next
The South African Society for Clinical Psychology (SASCP) is hosting a webinar on life in the times of COVID-19
The "what's next?" webinar seeks to delve further than curability and management of COVID-19, but to stretch to address various adjustment issues presently, and in times to come. This webinar aims to open up a discourse and focuses on how people can respond and draw on their individual capacities to promote resilience.
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