Climate and Environment Psychology (CEPD)
The aims of the Division
In addition to the objectives of PsySSA and the functions of divisions as expressed in Articles 2 and 13 respectively of the PsySSA constitution, the mission of the Climate and Environment Psychology Division is to be the hub of Southern African psychological research, action, practice, and public engagement about the affective relationship between humans and the environment, particularly for global concerns such as climate change. We recognise the continued influence of coloniality, capitalism, sexism, racism and other isms and the need to address social inequality intersectionally and contextually. The goals derived from this mission are to be achieved in cooperation with other PsySSA structures, other professional organisations, the general public, and governmental organisations.
What do members receive by becoming members?
- Access to cutting-edge research resources related to climate and environmental psychology
- Access to regular science communication through, for example, webinars, podcasts, and listservs
- Networking opportunities related to research, activism, and policy
- Opportunity to participate in community engagement and public advocacy activities
- Access to practical micro-skills training and continuous professional development opportunities
- Opportunity to inform and shape the way PsySSA engages on climate and environmental change in South Africa
- Right to participate and vote in PsySSA structures
Full Member
Registered Counsellor & Psychometrist
Psychology Intern
Student Member
CEP Divisional Webinar 4
Divisional Webinar hosted by CEP Division: Shaping our collective futures: Radical political imagination towards climate justice.
Climate Change and Climate Justice – Reflecting on Psychology, Community Psychology, The Streetlight Effect*, Social Change and Questions of Scale” (*Not a Psychological Finding!)
Join the Climate, Environment and Psychology Division of PsySSA webinar presented by Dr Miles Thompson on 25 September 2024.
CEP Divisional Webinar 3
Divisional Webinar hosted by CEP Division: The Role of the Researcher in Intersectional Climate Justice Relationships: Intergenerational Stories, Methodologies and Practices of Hope
CEP Divisional Webinar 2
Divisional Webinar hosted by CEP Division: Climate justice for traditional communities with a psychological lens. What do you think?
CEP Divisional Webinar
Divisional webinar hosted by CEP Division: Art-Based Perceptual Ecology - an integrative approach to address critical bio-social issues
CEP Webinar: Writing to Change the World
Beyond the Rhetoric on “Leaving No One Behind”: Concrete Policies and Actions to Eliminate Systemic Racism in Implementation of the SDGs
6 July 2021, 7:30-9:00AM EDT
Climate, Environment, and Sustainable Psychology’ (CEP) PsySSA Interest Group – Meeting Invite
Join the next Climate, Environment and Psychology Interest Group Meeting - Wednesday, 2nd June 2021 - 16:00: The meeting will focus on some of the activities that members mentioned in the last meeting to identify some of the goals moving forward over the next few...
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