Division of Registered Counsellors and Psychometrists (RCP)


The aims of the Division of Registered Counsellors and Psychometrists of PsySSA:

In addition to the objectives of PsySSA and the functions of divisions as expressed in Articles 2 (Principles) and 12.4 (Foundation and Dissolution) of the PsySSA Constitution, the mission of the RCP Division Constitution is to promote an understanding of the two (2) fields of Registered Counsellors (hereinafter referred to as RCs) and Psychometrists (hereinafter referred to as PMTs) as two distinct and separate psychology disciplines.

The RCP Division is a unique dual-structure division, in that RCs and PMTs form the basis of this RCP Division. The two (2) psychology professions are mutually exclusive, yet collaborate for ethical and professional best practice at the PsySSA RCP Division Executive level.

As such, the RCP Division Constitution addresses this dual mission through the advancement of scientific research, best practice in the professions of Counselling and Psychometry, facilitating community services and psycho-educational programmes, providing validated and relevant screening and psychometric assessments, while ensuring individual and group well-being.

While the importance of the psychological needs of individual counselling and psychometric assessment is not discounted per se, the emphasis in the RCP Division’s Constitution mission philosophy is to provide best counselling and psychometric practice to groups in various settings and community-based organisations.

Such RC and PMT include assessment and counselling services which encompass broad spectra of needs:

  • Counselling for individuals and groups in various settings
  • Educational and LSEN assessments and counselling interventions
  • Trauma interventions with individual or groups
  • Psycho-educational community programmes
  • Industry and world of work screening and assessments
  • Career and Interest screening and assessments
  • Aptitude, Basic Traits, Personality, Succession/Leadership, Career &Interest screening and assessments
  • Mental Health disorders identification, screening and assessments
  • Psycho-educational programmes at schools, industry, world of work
  • Psycho-educational interventions for marginalised and vulnerable groups:  LGBTI, the Aged, Disabled individuals, Religious minorities, GBV victims, Hate Crime victims and so on
  • Collaborative psycho-educational intervention programmes with non-government organisations (NGOs) with regard to marginalized youth, gangs, crime, human trafficking, prostitution, substance abuse dependency and so on.

The goals derived from this RCP Constitution mission and philosophy are to be achieved in full cooperation and collaboration with PsySSA, other professional organisations, NGOs, and the general public.

INCENTIVES for Membership
What do members receive by becoming members?
  • Regular emails with information regarding Registered Counselling, Psychometry and PsySSA updates
  • Access to scientific journals
  • Networking opportunities in the form of face-to-face and virtual meet ups
  • Filling the gap between board exams – workshops assisting members on what they can and can’t do between writing your board exam and completing your qualification
  • NHI & HPCSA – be representatives for members of the division with matters regarding the NHI and HPCSA
  • Listening Spaces for members – creating a safe space where members can meet (bimonthly to chat with other professionals)
R100 per year

Full Member

R100 per year

Registered Counsellor & Psychometrist

R30 per year

Student Member

Given Leshabane
Additional Member
Chantel Retter
Additional Member
Pakeezah Rajab
Additional Member
Shaazia Patel
Additional Member
Rekha Kangokar Rao
Additional Member
Zakiyah Hoosen
Genevieve Burrow

2025 Board Exam Preparation Workshops – Save The Dates!

PsySSA is excited to announce the 2025 Board Exam Preparation Workshops to help you excel in your professional journey! Save the dates - details to follow soon!

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  5. Division of Registered Counsellors and Psychometrists (RCP)
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