DRM Webinar: Qualitative Meta-synthesis and Psychology Webinar
Join the PsySSA Division for Research and Methodology for the first of two free webinars in November!
Date: 7 November 2024
Time: 12h00 to 13h00
MS Teams Link: https://shorturl.at/Fq8Uv (no registration is needed to attend)
About the webinar: Qualitative findings are important for the purposes of contextualising and giving voice to others. However, a persistent issue is the difficulty of moving beyond the unique context often required to carry out good qualitative work. Meta-synthesis has been proposed as a plausible solution to extend the contributions of qualitative research by synthesising findings across studies. Meta-synthesis is often touted as the qualitative equivalent of meta-analysis, yet the approach can be used to go beyond describing or accumulating findings across studies. It can provide researchers with the tools to generate broader insights and understand patterns across varied contexts. Since its inception, meta-synthesis has evolved into various approaches, including meta-ethnography, meta-narrative, critical interpretive synthesis, formal grounded theory, thematic synthesis, and meta-study. This webinar will contextualise some of these approaches, focusing on interpretive rather than aggregative versions of meta-synthesis. Specifically, meta-study will be discussed for its usefulness in exploring and synthesising beyond the findings of qualitative work. Thus, meta-study could aid in understanding how psychological topics are constructed by critically examining the theories, methods, and findings of qualitative research.
Can’t join us live? Watch all recordings of the PsySSA DRM Webinars and Research Podcast episodes on the PsySSA DRM YouTube Channel