DRM Webinar: Introduction to Survey Interviewing

DRM Webinar: Introduction to Survey Interviewing

DRM Webinar: Introduction to Survey Interviewing

Join the PsySSA DRM and Leonie Vorster for the last PsySSA DRM webinar for 2024, and it’s free!

Date: 21 November 2024

Time: 12h00 to 13h00

MS Teams Link: https://tinyurl.com/3r96yj37 (no registration is needed to attend)

About the webinar:

Now more than ever, information from the Global South should be shared to ensure justice, equality, and equity for all forms of knowledge. This is especially problematic with AI models being trained and tested primarily based on information from the Global North. Collecting and sharing information that represents a plurality of bodies of knowledge is imperative. Survey research is one of the ways that researchers collect information, asking for answers to specific questions from a selection of people. Information from survey research allows researchers to understand, interpret, and even change the world. In this webinar, the focus will be on using survey interviewing to create quality data. You will learn about the role of the interviewer, how to ask great questions, how to deal with bias, a practical system to apply during survey interviews, examples of do’s and don’ts for survey interviewing, and the ethical principles to adhere to, to make sure that the credibility of your research is not compromised.

Can’t join us live? Watch all recordings of the PsySSA DRM Webinars and Research Podcast episodes on the PsySSA DRM YouTube Channel

About the Presenter

Leonie Vorster is a Research Psychologist, chairs the PsySSA Division for Research and Methodology, and is the author of Five Seats, a magical realism novel. She strives to ensure the effective and just use of decisive, ethically sourced, accessible, actionable information, and actively promotes empowerment by seeking the furthest limits of the possible and imaginative to make a positive difference, while inspiring others to do the same. Leonie has completed more than 400 research and consulting assignments for government, semi-government, private, and not-for-profit clients in more than 40 countries across the globe. She has delivered more than a hundred articles, papers, and talks for South African, African, and global audiences, and has edited more than a hundred articles for online and offline publication, including conference papers, and research articles in international academic journals. Leonie has a legendary commitment to professional excellence and an unwavering passion for quality, ethical standards, and sustainable interventions.

International Network for Hate Studies Conference 2024 – Abstract Book Out Now!

International Network for Hate Studies Conference 2024 – Abstract Book Out Now!

We are pleased to announce that the Abstract Book for the International Network for Hate Studies Conference is now available.

The Abstract Book includes detailed summaries of the presentations, keynotes, and panels scheduled for the conference, offering valuable insights into the diverse topics to be explored.

Annual Online Consulting Psychology Conference

Annual Online Consulting Psychology Conference


UNISA’s Departments of Industrial and Organisational Psychology and Psychology INVITE you to attend the Annual Online Consulting Psychology Conference

 Date: 6 and 7 November 2024 (09:30 -15:30 SAST)

Platform: MS Teams (you will receive link end of business 5 November)

Cost: R750.00 (for both days)

CPD:       6 General CEUs and 2 Ethics CEUs applied for

Click here:   https://www.unisa.ac.za/ConsultPsych2024

Come and join us in this transformative journey, where professional insight meets compassionate intervention, where together, we redefine resilience in a world filled with challenges and possibilities.

DRM Webinar: Qualitative Meta-synthesis and Psychology

DRM Webinar: Qualitative Meta-synthesis and Psychology

DRM Webinar: Qualitative Meta-synthesis and Psychology Webinar

Join the PsySSA Division for Research and Methodology for the first of two free webinars in November!

Date:                           7 November 2024

Time:                           12h00 to 13h00

MS Teams Link:          https://shorturl.at/Fq8Uv (no registration is needed to attend)

About the webinar: Qualitative findings are important for the purposes of contextualising and giving voice to others. However, a persistent issue is the difficulty of moving beyond the unique context often required to carry out good qualitative work. Meta-synthesis has been proposed as a plausible solution to extend the contributions of qualitative research by synthesising findings across studies. Meta-synthesis is often touted as the qualitative equivalent of meta-analysis, yet the approach can be used to go beyond describing or accumulating findings across studies. It can provide researchers with the tools to generate broader insights and understand patterns across varied contexts. Since its inception, meta-synthesis has evolved into various approaches, including meta-ethnography, meta-narrative, critical interpretive synthesis, formal grounded theory, thematic synthesis, and meta-study. This webinar will contextualise some of these approaches, focusing on interpretive rather than aggregative versions of meta-synthesis. Specifically, meta-study will be discussed for its usefulness in exploring and synthesising beyond the findings of qualitative work. Thus, meta-study could aid in understanding how psychological topics are constructed by critically examining the theories, methods, and findings of qualitative research.

Can’t join us live? Watch all recordings of the PsySSA DRM Webinars and Research Podcast episodes on the PsySSA DRM YouTube Channel

About the Presenter

Sulaiyman Philander has been lecturing at the University of Pretoria since 2012. Currently, he lectures at undergraduate and postgraduate level. At undergraduate level, he lectures personology and critical psychology and has contributed to the prescribed text used in the introductory modules. At postgraduate level, he enjoys lecturing on the philosophical foundations of qualitative research, critical social psychology, and introducing ATLAS.ti to his students. Sulaiyman also supervises postgraduate students at honours and master’s level.  Since 2023, he has served as an Executive Committee Member for the Division for Research and Methodology of PsySSA. He is currently completing his PhD at the University of Pretoria under the guidance of Professor David Maree and is exploring how emotion is constructed in psychological research. His interests include emotion, uncertainty, procrastination, and qualitative methodology, and he is also developing an interest in exploring psychology within digital spaces.

International Network for Hate Studies Conference 2024 – Draft Conference Programme Out Now!

International Network for Hate Studies Conference 2024 – Draft Conference Programme Out Now!

The International Network for Hate Studies is proud to share with you the conference Draft Programme. The conference will be held at Century City Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa from 25-27 November 2024.

Please note: The Programme is subject to change.
