Dear PsySSA Member
We trust that this email finds you in good health.
As you may be aware, South Africa’s vaccine rollout to healthcare workers has seen more than 70 000 vaccines already administered to date. This programme is expected to gain momentum in the coming weeks with the addition of more vaccination sites across the country.
As a learned professional society, PsySSA is committed to advocating for vaccine access and equity for all South Africans. We however note the importance of healthcare workers as a priority cohort in general, and to this end, we are currently collating data from our members to assist in supporting a co-ordinated national strategy that facilitates practitioner access to the vaccine in the various phases of the rollout.
We are therefore collating information to help assess practitioners’ COVID-19 risk and eligibility for vaccination in the current phase of the vaccine rollout programme.
The information that is to be collected will be used to assist in determining vaccine access priority and hopefully contribute to a more organised referral of practitioners to designated vaccination sites when this becomes possible.
We therefore ask all members to complete the attached questionnaire to ensure comprehensive data..
We will keep you informed of further developments in the vaccine rollout process as it concerns our members, as well as of the outcomes of our discussions with the Department of Health.
For any further assistance kindly email
In solidarity,
The PsySSA Presidency