As PsySSA, we are committed to navigating the current crisis, and implementing necessary plans in ways that allow us to continue to support you, engage with you, and uphold the Society’s vision and mission, while also supporting and helping the nation in its time of need. We hope that we can also draw on your expertise and strength as we work collectively towards ensuring the best possible outcomes during this pandemic for the multiple service users and publics whom we serve.
It is in this regard that PsySSA has joined a multi-stakeholder initiative to support South African health care workers (HCW). This initiative aims to coordinate a database of mental health care providers who are willing to volunteer their time to help health care workers cope psychologically during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The database will allow for the linking of psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers with health care workers who may need psychosocial support. The aim is to provide virtual/online support, in line with the President’s directive to limit movement and interaction.
Are you willing to do pro-bono short-term tele-therapy? If so, kindly click on the button below and complete the Google Form with all your relevant details.