PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 5: Evidence Based Psychotherapy: A guide for the perplexed
Presenter bios:
Prof Debbie Kaminer (PhD) is a clinical psychologist, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cape Town and chair of PsySSA’s Science of Psychology Committee. She has conducted research on the prevalence and impact of trauma in South Africa and has collaborated with international researchers to adapt and evaluate brief evidence-based interventions for trauma-exposed youth.
Prof Jason Bantjes (PhD) is a practicing counselling psychologist and an Associate Professor in the Institute for Life Course Health Research (Department of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University). His research interests include suicide prevention and promotion of mental health.
Dr Maxine Spedding (PhD) is a clinical psychologist and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cape Town. As a practicing psychotherapist, her research interests are largely centred on psychotherapy in South Africa and the development of accessible, equitable and meaningful public psychological services for anyone who would like to access them. She teaches in the areas of psychological assessment, psychodynamic psychotherapy and evidence-based interventions.
Dr Duane D. Booysen (PhD) is a lecturer in the Psychology Department at Rhodes University and a practicing clinical psychologist. His research interests include the implementation of empirically supported trauma therapies for PTSD in low resource settings.