PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 4: Striving for social justice in our work: A participatory community psychology workshop
Suntosh R. Pillay is a clinical psychologist at King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex in Durban, and has been working in the public sector for over 10 years. He writes, teaches, researches and works within a psychopolitical framework as it relates to community engagement. He co-founded the KZN Mental Health Advocacy Group in 2015. He is involved in diverse grassroots initiatives for social change, including setting up free community support groups around KZN. He is on the executive committee of PsySSA’s Community and Social Psychology (CaSP) Division.
Ronelle Carolissen is a clinical psychologist and professor of community psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology, as well as the vice-dean (Teaching and Learning) in the Faculty of Education at Stellenbosch University. Her research expertise and publications interweave two interconnected strands. Her work explores feminist social justice approaches to teaching and learning. She is the past chair of PsySSA’s Community and Social Psychology (CaSP) Division.
Avivit Cherrington is an educational psychologist with expertise in community development and system-level programmes for mental health and well-being. She is currently senior lecturer and Honours Programme Co-ordinator at STADIO School of Education. Her research has focused on critical thinking and engaged pedagogy in teacher education programmes to foster future teachers who are agents of hope and social change. She currently chairs PsySSA’s Community and Social Psychology (CaSP) Division.