About this workshop:
The workshop aims to show participants how contemporary career counselling can be administered to individuals and in groups to help them confront some of the main challenges posed by Work 4.0 in the workplace and people’s personal life stories. Participants will discover how the traditional career counselling approach compares to the narrative process. They will be introduced to and complete a novel, storied career counselling questionnaire (the Career Interest Profile (CIP)) online. The CIP was developed from the (self-)developmental, storied (psychodynamic), differential, and ‘trauma theory’ perspectives to elicit people’s multiple micro-life stories, uncover their central life themes, promote clarification of their career-life identity, and enhance their self-exploration. Moreover, they will learn how to elicit advice from within regarding converting issues and concerns into themes of hope that can advance their life projects and (re-kindle) their sense of hope and meaning.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding the need to implement integrative, QUALITATIVE-quantitative career counselling.
- Being able to integrate ‘stories’ and ‘scores’ in career counselling to individuals and in groups.
- Being able to help people clarify their career-life identity.
- Being able to help people (re-)discover a sense of self-respect, purpose, hope, and meaning.
- Being able to help people connect conscious knowledge about themselves with their subconscious insights.
Indexing Keywords
- Counselling for career construction for individuals and groups of people.
- Integrating ‘stories’ and ‘scores’ in career counselling.
- Connecting conscious knowledge with subconscious insights.
PsySSA Workshop Series 2023: Workshop 5: Narrative Career Counselling
Meet our Presenters
Prof. Kobus Maree (DEd; PhD; DPhil) has been the past editor of several scholarly journals, including the South African Journal of Psychology, and a member of several national and international bodies and editorial boards. Kobus has received multiple awards for his work and has authored or co-authored 110+ peer reviewed articles and 55 books or book chapters on career counselling, research, and related topics, supervised 37 doctoral theses and Master’s dissertations, read keynote papers at 30+ international and 25+ national conferences since 2012. He has also presented numerous invited workshops at conferences worldwide on a) integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches in career counselling and b) the art and science of writing scholarly articles. Over the past seven years, he has spent much time abroad (for instance, as a visiting professor at various universities where he presented workshops on contemporary developments in career counselling). He was awarded a fellowship at the IAAP in July 2014. In September 2017, he received PsySSA’s Fellow Award.