PsySSA is currently drawing closure on the operationalising of its Strategic Plan (2014- 2018). A review of the Plan is necessary and therefore members feedback for the development of the next Strategic Review is vital in working towards a Society that that is responsive to the needs and concerns of its members. One of the key Strategic Drivers of the current Plan is Membership under the following sub-categories:
- Represent, advocate and defend our members
- Improve communication with members through enhancing its online infrastructure
- Increase membership benefits and services and participation in PsySSA structures through digital presence
PsySSA has developed a membership survey to determine the quality, credibility and efficiency of service delivery that members receive and to determine whether the Society addresses the needs of its members and whether PsySSA can do more for its members.
The PsySSA Membership survey is short survey which will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. Anonymity is guaranteed. By giving us your valuable feedback you are enabling us to brand PsySSA as the leading learned Society for Psychology Professionals in South Africa.