The 10th of September 2022 has been declared World Suicide Prevention Day, by the International Association for Suicide Prevention in conjunction with the World Health Organization. On this day, attention is focused on reducing stigma and raising awareness of suicide prevention among organisations and within the public sphere to inspire creating hope through action.
PsySSA is joining in this international initiative through releasing our Hope Campaign. The Hope Campaign comprises of a series of videos which will be released throughout the day on our social media channels. We encourage our community of PsySSA members to help spread these releases through sharing them on your own social media pages.
A special thank you to all the contributors of the project:
Nicky Newman Photography (https://www.nickynewmanphotography.com), Alice den Hollander Photography (insta:alice_den_hollander), Nonhlanhla Maubane, Gavaza Shingange, and the SASCP and the PiPS divisions
PsySSA will being posting media throughout the day.
Watch our social media to see this campaign, lead by Executive Member, Daniel den Hollander, develop!
#Hope #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #CreatingHope #ThroughAction