Psychometrist Scope of Practice Survey
Dear Fellow Psychometrists
We are conducting a survey with the aim to obtain information from psychometrists currently practicing within the South African context about what changes they believe should be made to their current Scope of Practice (SOP).
The PsySSA division for Registered Counsellors and Psychometrists is in the process of compiling a document to forward to the HPCSA regarding proposed changes or amendments to the SOP of Psychometrists (PMT’s). Data obtained from this survey will be able to inform the executive committee on how Psychometrists in SA currently experience or perceive their SOP.
All the questions in the survey are open-ended and it will take about 20 minutes to complete the survey. We ask for your voluntary participation and that you answer each question as honestly as possible. All identifying information will be kept strictly confidential and only the relevant data will be disseminated in the report.
Please note the deadline for completing this survey is Friday, 26 May 2017.