by PsySSA-Web Support | Jul 8, 2024
Clare Harvey is a clinical psychologist, senior lecturer, and researcher in the Psychology Department at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. She has worked in various government and private clinical and educational settings both in the United Kingdom and in South Africa. Clare primarily researches and publishes within the areas of Disability and Gender Studies. Her PhD focused on the subjectivity of mothers when they have a child with a physical disability. She is on the editorial board for the African Journal of Disability and Disability & Society and is Associate Editor for South African Journal of Psychology.
by Web Admin | Feb 7, 2024
Professor Malose Makhubela is a clinical psychologist in private practice and a full professor at the University of Limpopo. He was previously attached to the University of Pretoria and University of Johannesburg. Professor Makhubela’s research is largely focussed on developing better ways to understand psychological attributes, either as latent attributes using novel methodological offshoots of the traditional latent variable framework or through studying individual symptoms of mental disorders and their causal relations. Professor Makhubela’s research endeavours to go beyond traditional linear thinking about psychopathology and its assessment and is geared towards a more complex understanding of mental illness, as best illustrated by the field of complexity science.
by Web Admin | Feb 7, 2024
Dr Geetha Reddy works within and outwith the psychological sciences to study and address social issues across disciplinary boundaries. They have co-edited three special issues on decolonising psychology together with the Readsura Decolonial Editorial Collective (Review of General Psychology and Journal of Social Issues) and one special issue on precarity with Clare Coultas and Johanna Lukate in the British Journal of Social Psychology. They are working on understanding how people make sense of community resilience, solidarity, precarity and coloniality in Global South countries. They are based at the Open University, UK.
by PsySSA-Web Support | Jan 10, 2024
Solomon “Steve” Mashegoane (Ph. D) is a professor of psychology and the head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Limpopo. He is also registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa in the clinical psychology, independent practice category. Prof. Mashegoane is the founder and owner of KM’T Institute for Development and Evaluation, a research and development company with considerable experience in the evaluation of customer/community satisfaction in the public sector. Aside from the involvement in the editorial term of the SAJP, Prof Mashegoane has served a stint as a language editor of Theologia Viatorum: Journal of Theology & Religion in Africa and is one of the executive editors of the African Journal of Psychological Assessment. Prof Mashegoane conducts research, teaches, and writes mainly on health psychology, psychometrics, and psychological assessment. He also presents research methods modules.
by PsySSA-Web Support | Dec 12, 2023
Richard van Rensburg is a social and psychological researcher who holds a Master of Arts from the University of the Witwatersrand in the field of psychological research. He is currently part of the Wits-Edinburgh Sustainable African Futures (WESAF) programmme, as a Mastercard Foundation Scholar, and is at present working towards his online MScR through the University of Edinburgh. His research interests include transformation in education, LGBTQIA+ identities, narrative theories of identity, and research methodology with a particular interest in qualitative methods. Richard has experience teaching and supervising postgraduate students, which he thoroughly enjoys. In addition to his research work, he is also a qualified language editor. He has been working as the Editorial Assistant of the SAJP since January 2023.