PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 12: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 12: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

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27 October 2021
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PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 12: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

Meet our Presenter!

Ann has for many years been actively involved in developing neuropsychology in South Africa. She was President of the International Neuropsychological Society in 2015, to date their only President from a developing country. She is Secretary-General of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) and their Main Representative to the World Health Organization (WHO). She served on the WHO International Advisory Group for the Revision of ICD-10 Mental and Behavioural Disorders and was a member of the WHO Rehabilitation Competency Framework Technical Work Group. Ann is Treasurer of the Pan African Psychology Union, Past President of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) and the South African Clinical Neuropsychological Association, and chairs PsySSA’s Division of Neuropsychology and Forensic Psychology.

Ann completed her Ph.D and a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in neuropsychology at the then University of Natal. She is a Clinical and Neuropsychologist based at Entabeni Hospital, Durban. Ann was an expert in the field (neuropsychology) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal until 2019 and a visiting neuropsychology lecturer at the Universities of Zululand and the Free State. She is Editor of the International Platform of the International Journal of Psychology and a Consulting Editor of the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 12: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 6: The Covid-19 Melancholia: Death & Grief

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25 August 2021
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PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 6: The Covid-19 Melancholia: Death & Grief

Presenter bio:

Anele Siswana is a clinical psychologist, a lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Johannesburg. He is in part time private practice in Sandton, Johannesburg. Alongside, Anele is public intellectual and media personality on an array of social media spaces and productions. Anele is also a spiritualist and healer that recognises African Situated Psychology and African Theology (spirituality).

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 12: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 5: Evidence Based Psychotherapy: A guide for the perplexed

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18 August 2021
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PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 5: Evidence Based Psychotherapy: A guide for the perplexed

Presenter bios:

Prof Debbie Kaminer (PhD) is a clinical psychologist, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cape Town and chair of PsySSA’s Science of Psychology Committee. She has conducted research on the prevalence and impact of trauma in South Africa and has collaborated with international researchers to adapt and evaluate brief evidence-based interventions for trauma-exposed youth.

Prof Jason Bantjes (PhD) is a practicing counselling psychologist and an Associate Professor in the Institute for Life Course Health Research (Department of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University). His research interests include suicide prevention and promotion of mental health.

Dr Maxine Spedding (PhD) is a clinical psychologist and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cape Town. As a practicing psychotherapist, her research interests are largely centred on psychotherapy in South Africa and the development of accessible, equitable and meaningful public psychological services for anyone who would like to access them. She teaches in the areas of psychological assessment, psychodynamic psychotherapy and evidence-based interventions.

Dr Duane D. Booysen (PhD) is a lecturer in the Psychology Department at Rhodes University and a practicing clinical psychologist. His research interests include the implementation of empirically supported trauma therapies for PTSD in low resource settings. 

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 12: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 4: Striving for social justice in our work: A participatory community psychology workshop

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28 July, 2021
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PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 4: Striving for social justice in our work: A participatory community psychology workshop

Suntosh R. Pillay is a clinical psychologist at King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex in Durban, and has been working in the public sector for over 10 years. He writes, teaches, researches and works within a psychopolitical framework as it relates to community engagement. He co-founded the KZN Mental Health Advocacy Group in 2015. He is involved in diverse grassroots initiatives for social change, including setting up free community support groups around KZN. He is on the executive committee of PsySSA’s Community and Social Psychology (CaSP) Division.

Ronelle Carolissen is a clinical psychologist and professor of community psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology, as well as the vice-dean (Teaching and Learning) in the Faculty of Education at Stellenbosch University. Her research expertise and publications interweave two interconnected strands. Her work explores feminist social justice approaches to teaching and learning. She is the past chair of PsySSA’s Community and Social Psychology (CaSP) Division.

Avivit Cherrington is an educational psychologist with expertise in community development and system-level programmes for mental health and well-being. She is currently senior lecturer and Honours Programme Co-ordinator at STADIO School of Education. Her research has focused on critical thinking and engaged pedagogy in teacher education programmes to foster future teachers who are agents of hope and social change. She currently chairs PsySSA’s Community and Social Psychology (CaSP) Division.

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 12: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

2 Days to go: PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 3: The Assessment and Systemic Support of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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30 June, 2021
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2 Days to go: PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 3: The Assessment and Systemic Support of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Dr Helen Dunbar-Krige & SEPSA Executive Committee

Dr Helen Dunbar-Krige will be the workshop leader. Dr Dunbar-Krige was involved in a research project from 2016 to 2019 focusing on assessment and systemic support of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. This project was supported through an earmarked grant allocated as part of the Teaching and Learning Development Capacity Improvement Programme implemented through a partnership between the Department of Higher Education and Training and the European Union. Dr Dunbar-Krige was editor and contributor to a book on guidelines for assessment adaptation of specific learning disorders in 2017. She was a research supervisor for many doctoral and masters students in educational psychology that focused on neurodevelopmental disorders. The executive committee of the Society of Educational Psychology of South Africa (SEPSA) will participate as co-presenters. Within SEPSA, there are researchers and practitioners at universities, private practice, and at the Department of Basic Education with extensive knowledge and understanding of various neurodevelopmental disorders.

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 12: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 3: The Assessment and Systemic Support of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Register for this Workshop

30 June, 2021
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PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 3: The Assessment and Systemic Support of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Dr Helen Dunbar-Krige & SEPSA Executive Committee

Dr Helen Dunbar-Krige will be the workshop leader. Dr Dunbar-Krige was involved in a research project from 2016 to 2019 focusing on assessment and systemic support of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. This project was supported through an earmarked grant allocated as part of the Teaching and Learning Development Capacity Improvement Programme implemented through a partnership between the Department of Higher Education and Training and the European Union. Dr Dunbar-Krige was editor and contributor to a book on guidelines for assessment adaptation of specific learning disorders in 2017. She was a research supervisor for many doctoral and masters students in educational psychology that focused on neurodevelopmental disorders. The executive committee of the Society of Educational Psychology of South Africa (SEPSA) will participate as co-presenters. Within SEPSA, there are researchers and practitioners at universities, private practice, and at the Department of Basic Education with extensive knowledge and understanding of various neurodevelopmental disorders.