2023 PsySSA Webinar Series – Webinar 2: Decolonising therapy: Africa(n) – situated psychological practice – Recording Out Now!

2023 PsySSA Webinar Series – Webinar 2: Decolonising therapy: Africa(n) – situated psychological practice – Recording Out Now!

2023 PsySSA Webinar Series – Webinar 2: Decolonising therapy: Africa(n) – situated psychological practice – Recording Out Now!

The first webinar entitled “Psychology in and for Africa – Where are we now?” attracted a number of scholars and professionals in and outside the field of Psychology. It focused on the challenges faced by diverse populations in the African continent, and how through African-centred philosophies they are able to respond to those challenges. The second webinar is organised around the theme “Decolonising therapy: Africa(n) – situated psychological practice”. African people have disturbing experiences of oppression and trauma as a result of a colonial system that had a negative impact on the mind, body, soul and spirit. It is for this reason that therapies which respect Africa’s history and culture are imperative. Most therapists have been trained using western theories which occupied a larger part of the training curriculum. The effects of colonialism continue to influence the worldview and our practices. In this webinar, we re-imagine how therapy is globally understood. We will explore ways to mitigate systemic harm and incorporate decolonial practices into the therapy process. Healing remains our ultimate hope. 

2023 PsySSA Webinar Series – Webinar 2: Decolonising therapy: Africa(n) – situated psychological practice – Recording Out Now!

2023 PsySSA Webinar Series – Webinar 1: Psychologies of/from/for Africa – Recording Out Now!

2023 PsySSA Webinar Series – Webinar 1: Psychologies of/from/for Africa – Recording Out Now!

In honour of Africa Day 2023,  PsySSA is releasing the recording of its first webinar of its 2023 series.
Webinar Abstract

The speakers, in their respective areas of expertise, engage the questions of where to for African Psychologies, elaborating on some of its key challenges and transformative possibilities.

Exploring notions of meritocracy and its challenges for diversity in
professional practice, considering the histories of resistance and activism in Africa and current practices of pathologizing that deploy psychological language to undermine women’s resistance in Africa against oppression, interrogating new directions of afro-centric psychology, and posing critical pedagogical questions of how we teach an African Psychology curriculum that grapples with our racial histories, the webinar seeks to move the current debates on African Psychology a step further by opening up even more urgent questions about how we do psychology, what it means to engage questions of interiority that are connected to our freedoms and imaginations of what it means to be African and to practice psychology of/from/for Africa.

A Message from the PsySSA President 2022

A Message from the PsySSA President 2022

As we bring 2022 to a close, we are mindful of the many ways in which a number of spaces have opened up over the past year. We faced countless losses over the past three years of the COVID-19 pandemic – and we continue to remember those we have lost and we see the visible effects of the aftermath of the pandemic in the countless forms of suffering in our society. We know that there is much work to do.

In these seeds of crisis however, we see opportunities for harnessing energies and capacities in ways not easily imagined before COVID-19. The pandemic and its aftermath have offered us opportunities for imagining new modes of functioning – navigating and managing our daily lives, being together virtually, new modes of work, of teaching and learning, finding ways to build community, networks and solidarities across these difficulties. Ways that were hitherto not immediately accessible to us nor thought possible. I am keen for us to strengthen and build on the agility and flexibility that we have developed over the past three years – recognizing the ways in which we all, as a PsySSA community, have responded to the practice, research, community engagement, policy and advocacy work we have all been called upon to do. The energy and dynamism of our members, the reach of the work we do as PsySSA members as well as the ways in which this work impacts our society makes me extremely proud to be leading PsySSA.

This past year has been an immensely successful one for the Society. One in which we were able to take advantage of our stability as an organization, as well as consolidate and build on our strengths. A major highlight has been the opportunity to gather together at our 26th Annual Congress between 12 to the 14th October 2022. We are in the midst of consolidating feedback from the Congress but by all accounts, it was a very successful event – we had over 560 delegates in attendance and a vibrant, intellectually stimulating programme. Key amongst the feedback received in-person at Congress and thus far online – was the gratitude and joy for being able to gather together as a community in the name of PsySSA and a recognition of the vibrant, diverse community that we all are.

I look forward to working with the 2022/2023 Executive Committee and the broader PsySSA membership to continue to build and strengthen our society through enacting PsySSA’s vision, mission and strategic goals. I look forward too, to tending to the seedlings that have sprouted out of the crisis and expanding our horizons to imagine new opportunities, alliances, and partnerships.

Thank you for your energies, your labour and your ongoing support as we look ahead to a new year of productive, innovative and exciting work for the Society.

Finally, I would like to wish you and your significant communities health, happiness, rejuvenation and nourishment this holiday season as we look forward to the work we will do in 2023.

PsySSA 2022 Webinar Series – Webinar 3: Gender-Based Violence and Femicide in South Africa: Provocations & Possibilities – Recording Out Now!

PsySSA 2022 Webinar Series – Webinar 3: Gender-Based Violence and Femicide in South Africa: Provocations & Possibilities

About this webinar:

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided another moment in media, popular and scholarly discourse to visibilise the extent, persistence, and consequences of gender-based violence and femicide in South Africa. While the most recent statistics indicate a decline in the rate of femicide between 1999 and 2017 – we know that GBV and femicide continue to be an ongoing, impervious problem for South African women, sexual and gender diverse and non-conforming persons, limiting our freedoms and the true attainment of gender equity. In this current moment, we turn renewed and ongoing attention to the question of gendered violence and femicide and ask: What are the everyday knowledges and practices that we need to refuse and unsettle toward provoking change toward freedom? What and where are the possibilities for building a non-violent future?


Meet our Chair & Panellists!

Chairperson: Prof Floretta Boonzaier

Floretta Boonzaier is Professor of Psychology at the University of Cape Town, and co-Director of the Hub for Decolonial Feminist Psychologies in Africa. She is noted for her work in feminist, critical and postcolonial psychologies, research on subjectivity in relation to race, gender and sexuality, work on gendered and sexual violence, and decolonial research methodologies. She was Editor-in-Chief of the journal Psychology in Society (PINS) from 2018 to 2021. She is a past UCT Mandela Fellow at the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University and a past recipient of the runner up award in the South African Department of Science and Technology’s Women in Science awards, for the category of Distinguished Young Woman Researcher in the Social Sciences or Humanities. She serves on the Board of Mosaic Training, Service and Healing Centre for Women, in Cape Town and the African Gender Institute and Huma Institute at the University of Cape Town. She is also an Executive Committee Member of the Sexuality and Gender Division of the Psychological Society of South Africa. Her recent publications include the co-edited volumes Engaging youth in activism, research and pedagogical praxis. Transnational and intersectional perspectives on gender, sex and race (Routledge, 2018), Decolonial Feminist Community Psychology (Springer, 2019 ), Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence (Routledge, 2020) and the co-authored book, Pan-Africanism and Psychology in Decolonial Times (Palgrave Macmillan, in press).


Dr Benita Moolman is a senior lecturer and programme manager at the Global Citizenship Programme at the University of Cape Town. I have a D.(Phil )in Feminist Geography from University of California, Davis (UCDavis) and a M(Phil) in Women and Gender Studies from University of the Western Cape. I have worked at the Human Sciences Research Council and at Rape Crisis Cape Town. I currently teach on social justice, decoloniality, gender-based violence and critical, community engaged research methodologies. I have researched and published on gender-based violence, masculinities, intersectional identities and feminist methodologies. I am interested in decolonial and feminist pedagogies, as well as thinking through African epistemologies and situated knowledge-making. My most recent publication is a co-edited collection with Nadia Sanger, entitled : Racism, Violence, Betrayals and New Imaginaries: Feminist Voices, 2022, University of Kwazulu Natal Press

Savuka Matyila is a gender non-conforming human rights activist born in Mdantsane, Eastern Cape. With over a decade’s experience working with civil society organisations, Savuka’s work targets legal, clinical, educational, and community-based fronts, through both local and international spheres. A degree in Sociology and Philosophy; and Gender, Religion and Health (Hons) studies inspire Savuka – to seek out possibilities of community consciousness that affect the overall psychosocial and economic livelihood of LGBTIQ+ people, and their families. Savuka hopes to progress the championing of efforts that secure the further realisation of dignity and wellbeing, inherent for everyone within the world of gender and sexual diversity.

Kaylynn Palm is a versatile reporter with a decade of experience in the field. She cut her teeth as a cub writer for the community papers straight out of university. It’s here, she believes, that she built invaluable skills and contacts while on the crime, investigative and community beat. It also laid a solid foundation for her leap towards an equally successful career in radio years later. A former Eyewitness News reporter, Kaylynn knows well the dynamics of a fast-changing and demanding news cycle. Her knack is finding the story behind the story and human behind the headlines. Nowhere is this more pertinent than when covering an array of stories including the tales of gender-base violence, the hard-felt impact of the real crime statistics and the realities of the Cape’s most marginalized and neglected families. Not just a talented wordsmith, Kaylynn’s also an acclaimed multimedia journalist. She may have hung up her radio mic, for now, but her activism hasn’t been silenced. It’s taken on a new form in her role as Gender Based Violence co-ordinator and communications officer at civil rights organization, Action Society.


Tarisai Mchuchu-MacMillan is an African-feminist, Advocate and crime and violence prevention specialist focussed on violence against women and violence against children. Tarisai, currently is the Executive Director of MOSAIC Training Services and Healing Centre for Women, an NPO that advocates for preventive laws and policies to be advanced to effectively reduce gender-based violence, in particular domestic, sexual and intimate-partner violence. Tarisai designed the SAFE-PR programme currently being piloted by MOSAIC, which is the main subject of the chapter. The SAFE-PR project is focussed on ensuring that women’s rights to safety in relationships, homes and communities is advanced by strengthening duty bearers and first responders who make up the security, justice, and psychosocial support services system in response to domestic violence (DV) and intimate-partner violence (IPV). MOSAIC coordinates localised multi-stakeholder platforms made up of first responders to domestic violence and intimate partner violence in communities and works with them to increase capacity to respond through a gender transformative lens by building relationships amongst local multi-stakeholder frontline responders in a coordinated manner that enables better service response for victims of DV/IPV, ensuring that protection orders protect and further harm is prevented. Tarisai completed her B.A. (2006) and LL.B. (2010) degrees at the University of Cape Town and is an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa.