On the 10th and 11th of February 2020 the University of Witwatersrand, in partnership with the Psychological Society of South Africa and the National Research Foundation, hosted a workshop “Approaches to Psychological Assessment: Responsiveness to African cultural contexts in designing assessment methods.” It was presented by colleagues from the University of Zambia; Professor Robert Serpell, Beatrice Matafwali, Dr. Dabie Nabuzoka and Ms Tamara Chansa-Kabali. Professor Sumaya Laher from PsySSA provided insight into the South African Personality Inventory. Professionals from different fields of psychology were present at the workshop, which provided in-depth insight into assessments that have been designed for the Zambian context, how this can relate to the design of tests within the South African context, and the way forward for South African assessments. The workshop was robust and fruitful for all those who attended.