2023 PsySSA Webinar Series – Webinar 2: Decolonising therapy: Africa(n) – situated psychological practice – Recording Out Now!

The first webinar entitled “Psychology in and for Africa – Where are we now?” attracted a number of scholars and professionals in and outside the field of Psychology. It focused on the challenges faced by diverse populations in the African continent, and how through African-centred philosophies they are able to respond to those challenges. The second webinar is organised around the theme “Decolonising therapy: Africa(n) – situated psychological practice”. African people have disturbing experiences of oppression and trauma as a result of a colonial system that had a negative impact on the mind, body, soul and spirit. It is for this reason that therapies which respect Africa’s history and culture are imperative. Most therapists have been trained using western theories which occupied a larger part of the training curriculum. The effects of colonialism continue to influence the worldview and our practices. In this webinar, we re-imagine how therapy is globally understood. We will explore ways to mitigate systemic harm and incorporate decolonial practices into the therapy process. Healing remains our ultimate hope.