End isolation

End stigma

End HIV transmission” 

World AIDS Day is commemorated each year on the 1st of December and is an opportunity for every community to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV and remember those who have passed away.

The global theme of this year’s World AIDS Day will be “The Right to Health”. The universal and inalienable right to health provides everyone with the right to realize the highest attainable standard of health without discrimination or stigma. Only by placing human rights at the centre of global health can we ensure that health care is accessible, acceptable, available and of good quality for everyone, leaving no one behind. Additionally, World AIDS Day will emphasize leadership that goes beyond political leadership, with a particular emphasis on the critical role that traditional leaders can play in mobilizing their communities to prevent HIV and TB. Traditional leaders are considered the custodians of culture and are therefore critical to shift society’s attitudes.

World AIDS Day 2017 should be a massive call to action. We should challenge all sectors to demonstrate their leadership by making this year’s event, the largest one the country has ever seen. See, the South African National Aid Council’s (SANAC) toolkit for more information and examples of some of the activities that can be rolled out this World AIDS Day.

Let our Actions Count!

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